Registration form
When you are planning to have a poster presentation, please indicate that in the above Registration form, and send your presentation's title and abstract with the form.
When you are not planning to have a poster presentation, please also register from the same Registration form, and indicate that you would not bring your poster by answering the questionary. The registration system will keep openning until the day of the workshop or until the expected number of the attendees would be beyond the capacity of the convention hall.
Poster Guidance
The size of poster panel is W:1130 mm, H: 1630 mm.
Ref: A0 (W: 841 mm, H: 1189 mm), B0 (W: 1030 mm, H: 1456 mm)
We will provide pins to tack your poster to the panel.
Your poster number will be indicated in the Abstract Book. The link to download the pdf file will be appared on this webpage.