Updated: 2012-11-14: IWQB2012 Abstract Booklet and Flyer are available for download.
Opening Remarks (9:50 ~ 10:00)
Session I. Theories and analyses for exploring mesocopic world
10:00 - 11:30
chair: Yoshiyuki Arai & Rinshi Kasai
[1] Prof. Madan Rao (National Center for Biological Sciences, India)
[2] Dr. Chun-Biu Li (Hokkaido University, Research Institute for Electronic Science, Japan)
Title: "Modeling Single Molecule Kinetics Objectively from Dwell-time time series"
[3] Dr. Ziya Kalay (Kyoto University, iCeMS, Japan)
Title: "Molecular encounters at the mesoscale: effects of low numbers and confinement"
Coffee Break (11:30 - 11:50)
Session II. Power of Engineering in New Facets of Biology
11:50 - 12:50
chair: Jason Shoemaker & Herve Guillou
[1] Dr. Doug Murray (Keio University, Institute for Advanced Biosciences, Japan)
[2] Dr. Yannick Rondelez (University of Tokyo & LIMMS/CNRS-IIS, Japan & France)
Title: "In vitro models of gene regulatory networks"
Poster Session & Lunch Break (12:50 - 14:50)
Session III. Data-driven Estimation of Model Parameters
("data assimilation method" project)
14:50 - 16:10
chair: Akatsuki Kimura
[1] Dr. Hiromichi Nagao (Insitute of Statistical Mathematics, Japan)
Title: "Foundation of Data Assimilation and Its Application to Intracellular Fluid Dynamics"
[2] Dr. Antonio Celani (Institut Pasteur, France)
Title: "Noninvasive inference of the molecular chemotactic response using bacterial trajectories"
[3] Dr. Timothy J. Stasevich (Osaka University, Japan)
Title: "Mathematical modeling of the RNA polymerase II transcription cycle based on live-cell imaging of
post-translational modifications"
Coffee Break (16:10 - 16:30)
Session IV. Advances in probing cytoskeletal and chromosomal dynamics in dividing cells
16:30 - 18:30
chair: Viji Mythily Draviam & Akira Funahashi
[1] Prof. Tomoyuki Tanaka (University of Dundee, Cell and Molecular Biology, UK)
Title: "Chromosome acrobatics on the mitotic spindle"
[2] Prof. Yoshinori Watanabe (University of
Tokyo, Laboratory of Chromosome Dynamics Institute of Molecular and Cellular Biosciences, Japan)
Title: "Tension across centromeres refines centromeric protection by shugoshin"
[3] Dr. Akatsuki Kimura (National Institute of Genetics, Cell Architecture Laboratory, Japan)
Title: "Size regulation of mitotic spindle in the C. elegans embryo"
[4] Dr. Viji M Draviam (the University of Cambridge, Department of Genetics, UK)
Title: "Role of microtubule ends in defining the
plane of cell division and accuracy of chromosome segregation"
Closing Remarks (18:30 ~ 18:40)
Free Discussion at the Poster Session Room (18:40 - 20:00)
Royal Society, UK
Transdisciplinary Research Integration Center (TRIC) of Research Orhanization of Information and Systems (ROIS), Japan
Research Group on Engineering in Medicine and Biology, Institute of Industrial Science, the University of Tokyo, Japan